Our Values: Good News
What was the last good news you received? Maybe it was a job promotion, a baby being born, a positive outcome, or just an encouraging comment from a friend. Good news is something that brightens our lives and encourages us.
We need good news because we are surrounded by so much bad news. I feel like each time I read the news or open social media, I am overwhelmed by the pain, suffering, war, and injustice in the world. If I’m not careful, all this bad news can overwhelm me and I get lost in feelings of hopelessness and despair. Maybe you experience this feeling too?
For this reason, good news matters. We need good news to bring us out of our pain and sorrow. Interestingly, good news perhaps the most important theme in the bible. Allow me to explain.
When God looked at creation: the earth, the stars, plants, animals, and us humans, he said it was all, “very good” (Genesis 1:31). When Isaiah spoke to prisoners, poor, and broken hearted, he declared “good news” of God’s freedom, favor, and comfort (Isaiah 61:1-2).
When angels appeared to shepherds keeping their flocks at night, they declared, “Good news that will cause great joy for all people,” that Jesus was born (Luke 2:10). When Jesus grew up, he went to a synagogue for worship and declared the same words from Isaiah, that God chose him to, “proclaim good news” (Luke 4:18).
What is this good news?
The good news is Jesus!
This good news is hope when we feel hopeless. Even when we experience pain, sickness, sadness, or depression, Jesus offers us hope that we can feel whole and joyful again.
This good news is also forgiveness when we do something wrong. Even when we get angry and hurt others with our words, when we become jealous and selfish and cause others to experience sorrow and grief, Jesus offers us forgiveness from our wrong doing.
This good news is reconciliation to the living God. Even when we feel far away from God because of pain, suffering, guilt, and shame, Jesus offers us reconciliation to our creator.
The Bible teaches that Jesus was not just a very good person, he was perfect, never sinning, never causing pain, only loving and caring for others. Jesus releases us from the chains of sin, makes us spiritually rich, and comforts us in our sorrow. Jesus brings joy to all people. How?
Because Jesus took all our bad news with him to the cross. He took all the punishment, the pain, the sorrow, and the wrath of God that we deserve upon himself and died in our place so that we might have life instead. This is the Good News of Jesus.
This is why we celebrate Easter, or what I like to call Resurrection Day. We celebrate because Jesus took away our bad news. Though he didn’t deserve it, he did it because he loves us. When we take our pain, our wrong actions, our hopelessness to Jesus, he gives us hope, forgiveness, and reconciliation in return. He gives us Good News because he is the Good News.
Have you heard the Good News of Jesus? We’d love to connect with you further at our upcoming explore the bible series starting on 18.04.2023. Join us to learn more about the Good News of Jesus.